LIDC CONGRESS 2025 in Vienna –  9/12 October

The LIDC Congress 2025 will be held in Vienna from 9 until 12 October 2025.

Digital and green change as well as other current topics in focus of Antitrust, IP and Unfair Competition.

We are glad to inform that the questions to be discussed during the Vienna Congress are as follows:

Question A: Is the concept of the abuse of relative market power beyond market dominance necessary for a functioning competition and what criteria should be used to assess it?

International Reporter: Dr. Pranvera Këllezi, LL.M., Attorney at law, KËLLEZI LEGAL, Member of the Swiss Federal Competition Commission (COMCO/WEKO), Geneva, Switzerland, +41228108247,

Pranvera Këllezi | LinkedIn

Question B: What responsibility or obligations should online platforms have when it comes to eliminating infringements by their users, especially in the areas of IP and unfair competition?

International Reporter: Univ.-Prof. Dr. Nikolaus Forgó, Professor of Technology Law and IP Law, Head of the Department for Innovation and Digitalisation in Law, University of Vienna, Austria,, +431427734202,

Nikolaus Forgó | LinkedIn

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